custom.css (883B)
1 /* Always scroll smoothly */
2 * {
3 scroll-behavior: smooth;
4 }
5 /* Hide linebreaks inside articles */
6 section > br,
7 section > p > br
8 {
9 display: none;
10 }
11 /* Only show first paragraph of article content (typically the summary) */
12 .article_content > *:nth-child(n + 2) {
13 display: none;
14 }
15 .article_content {
16 margin-bottom: 1.5em;
17 }
18 /* Content should not be weighted */
19 .article_content > strong {
20 font-weight: normal;
21 }
22 /* Hide iframes and images in case they are not filtered out */
23 .article_content > iframe,
24 .article_content > img,
25 .article_content > * > img,
26 .article_content > * > iframe
27 {
28 display: none;
29 }
30 /* Rules for buttons row */
31 .button-row {
32 width: 100%;
33 display: inline-block;
34 }
35 .button-row > .button {
36 display: inline-block;
37 margin-left: 5px;
38 margin-right: 5px;
39 max-height: 50px;
40 }
41 a.button > img {
42 height: 30px;
43 width: auto;
44 margin-right: 5px;
45 }