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custom.css (1739B)

      1 /* Accent colours that are partially transparent
      2  * REVERSED for better highlighting
      3  */
      4 :root {
      5     --hlaccent: #ffb30066; /* yellow for light mode */
      6 }
      7 @media (prefers-color-scheme:dark) {
      8     :root {
      9         --hlaccent: #0d47a155; /* blue for dark mode */
     10     }
     11 }
     13 /* Make Search form stretch across entire content-width
     14 * It should flex / share row with the search button
     15 */
     16 #searchform {
     17     margin-top: 3em;
     18     width: 100%;
     19     display: flex;
     20     flex-direction: row;
     21 }
     23 /* Search bar should stretch across entire content-width */
     24 #searchbar {
     25     width: 100%;
     26     margin-right: 5px;
     27 }
     29 /* On mobile devices, the search button should be in its own row instead */
     30 @media only screen and (width <= 720px) {
     31     #searchform {
     32         flex-direction: column;
     33     }
     34 }
     36 /* Set large margins around the description */
     37 .description {
     38     margin-top: 3em;
     39     margin-bottom: 50vh;
     40 }
     42 /* Description buttons should always be in one line */
     43 .description > .button {
     44     width: calc((100% / 2) - 10px); /* Two buttons with 10px margin between */
     45     text-align: center;
     46 }
     48 /* Buttons and Code/Marks within article class should have wider margins */
     49 button,
     50 .button,
     51 article > code,
     52 article > .categories > mark 
     53 {
     54     margin: 3px;
     55 }
     57 /* Utility class for hidden content */
     58 .hidden {
     59     display: none;
     60     visibility: none;
     61 }
     63 /* Utility function for in-lining content */
     64 .row {
     65     display: flex;
     66     flex-direction: row;
     67     flex-wrap: wrap;
     68     width: 100%;
     69 }
     70 @media only screen and (width <= 720px) {
     71     .row {
     72         flex-direction: column;
     73     }
     74 }
     76 /* Set selection colours for the article class */
     77 article.selected {
     78     background-color: var(--hlaccent);
     79 }
     81 /* prevent wrapping within marks */
     82 p > mark {
     83     display: inline-block;
     84 }