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custom.css (626B)

      2 /* Make Search form stretch across entire content-width
      3 * It should flex / share row with the search button
      4 */
      5 #searchform {
      6     width: 100%;
      7     display: flex;
      8     flex-direction: row;
      9 }
     11 /* On mobile devices, the search button should be in its own row instead */
     12 @media only screen and (width <= 720px) {
     13     #searchform {
     14         flex-direction: column;
     15     }
     16 }
     18 /* Search bar should stretch across entire content-width */
     19 #searchbar {
     20     width: 100%;
     21     margin-right: 5px;
     22 }
     24 /* Content within tables should wrap anywhere to fit small screens */
     25 td {
     26     word-wrap: anywhere;
     27 }
     28 table, tbody, thead {
     29     width: 100%;
     30 }