pub / pp-notifier

Instant Messenger Notification daemon for the PinePhone
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config.sample (563B)

      1 ## Common Configurations
      2 # How often should we poll for new messages (in seconds)
      3 POLLTIME=30
      4 # After how much time should a poll-process be terminated (in seconds)
      5 TIMEOUT=25
      7 ## Telegram Configurations
      8 # Enable: 1, Disable: 0
      9 TELEGRAM=1
     10 # Icon to use in the notification, e.g. "telegram"
     11 TG_ICON="telegram"
     12 # Command that is going to be executed when pressing the notification button
     13 TG_ACTION="telegram-desktop"
     14 # Maybe you want something else, like:
     15 #TG_ACTION="cog --gapplication-app-id cog.webapp.telegram --cookie-jar=text -P fdo"