
pub / pp-notifier

Instant Messenger Notification daemon for the PinePhone
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Activity: Aug, 2021 - Nov, 2024

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Instant Message Notifier

What does it do?

It checks your current IM messages via several CLI clients for different platform and notifies you about potential messages.

Currently supported:

Future work (WIP, currently not implemented):


Many IM clients, such as the Telegram Desktop client or the Signal Desktop client are somewhat resource intensive, particularly on the CPU, leading to high(er) power consumption. With this lightweight notifier script, you are not required to have the desktop client running in the background at all times.

Are there system requirements?



Sending Notifications: gdbus (likely installed already)


Checking Telegram Messages: telegram-cli

# Debian
apt install telegram-cli

# PostmarketOS
apk add tg

Set it up via commandline:


Install IM Notifier

Pull this source directory, and run debuild:

git pull
cd Notifier

This will create a Debian installation package .deb, which you may install via:

sudo apt install ../im-notifier_*.deb

Packages are being built automatically by Gitlab-CI:

You can Download the “artifacts”, which contain the latest .deb version, that you can also install via apt, just like above.

Use IM Notifier

Installing IM-Notifier also creates an App-Icon in your application menu. Opening this application will run the daemon in the background. You can start this notifier automatically upon login:

mkdir -p ~/.config/autostart
cp /usr/share/applications/im-notifier.desktop ~/.config/autostart/

IM Notifier reads configurations from ~/.config/im-notifier/config. A sample file can be found in the root repository as config.sample

Authoring & Maintenance


You may contribute by sending patches to one of the authors or maintainers above.

Clone this repository via:
git clone https://