pub / rememori

Simple file-based bookmarking and notes application
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i18n.php (5271B)

      1 <?php
      3 /* Get accepted languages by client, fallback to english */
      4 $lang = substr($_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"], 0, 2);
      5 $acceptLang = ["en", "de"]; 
      6 $lang = in_array($lang, $acceptLang) ? $lang : "en";
      8 if ($lang == "en") {
      9     $GLOBALS["i18n_howto"] = "Click here to learn how to do that.";
     10     $GLOBALS["i18n_error"] = "Error";
     11     $GLOBALS["i18n_success"] = "Success";
     12     $GLOBALS["i18n_unknown_error"] = "An unknown error occurred!";
     13     $GLOBALS["i18n_note_written_to"] = "Note writtent to";
     14     $GLOBALS["i18n_development"] = "Sourcecode";
     15     $GLOBALS["i18n_note"] = "Note";
     16     $GLOBALS["i18n_notes"] = "Notes";
     17     $GLOBALS["i18n_category"] = "Category";
     18     $GLOBALS["i18n_categories"] = "Categories";
     19     $GLOBALS["i18n_filename"] = "File name";
     20     $GLOBALS["i18n_save"] = "Save note";
     21     $GLOBALS["i18n_edit"] = "Edit note";
     22     $GLOBALS["i18n_new"] = "New note";
     23     $GLOBALS["i18n_list"] = "All notes";
     24     $GLOBALS["i18n_related"] = "Related Notes";
     25     $GLOBALS["i18n_login"] = "Login";
     26     $GLOBALS["i18n_user"] = "Username";
     27     $GLOBALS["i18n_pass"] = "Password";
     28     $GLOBALS["i18n_noauth"] = "You could not be authenticated. Please login and try again!";
     29     $GLOBALS["i18n_logout"] = "Logout";
     30     $GLOBALS["i18n_delete"] = "Delete";
     31     $GLOBALS["i18n_cookie"] = "Keep me logged in! (this will set a cookie)";
     32     $GLOBALS["i18n_cookie_session"] = "No, only temporarily";
     33     $GLOBALS["i18n_cookie_long"] = "Yes, keep me logged in for 30 days";
     34     $GLOBALS["i18n_search"] = "Search";
     35     $GLOBALS["i18n_search_placeholder"] = "Search your notes...";
     36     $GLOBALS["i18n_matches"] = "Matches";
     37     $GLOBALS["i18n_account"] = "Account";
     38     $GLOBALS["i18n_bookmarklet"] = "Bookmarklet";
     39     $GLOBALS["i18n_bookmarklet_tp"] = "Drag this to your bookmark toolbar. On other websites you can then click the icon to remember it in Rememori.";
     40     $GLOBALS["i18n_bookmarklet_prompt"] = "Under which category do you want to remember this site?";
     41     $GLOBALS["i18n_tokens"] = "Login-Tokens";
     42     $GLOBALS["i18n_tokens_info"] = "Tokens are used for authentication. They represent your passwords, but they do not work at the login-screen, only for API requests. In order to remove a token along with its connected password, empty the according input field.";
     43     $GLOBALS["i18n_tokens_add"] = "Add Login-Token";
     44     $GLOBALS["i18n_tokens_add_info"] = "Insert a password here, which you then can use for the login to your account. It will appear as \"Token\" above, which you can also use for API requests.";
     45     $GLOBALS["i18n_tokens_curr"] = "Corresponds to the password you are currently logged in with.";
     46 }
     47 if ($lang == "de") {
     48     $GLOBALS["i18n_howto"] = "Hier klicken für eine genauere Anleitung.";
     49     $GLOBALS["i18n_error"] = "Fehler";
     50     $GLOBALS["i18n_success"] = "Erfolg";
     51     $GLOBALS["i18n_unknown_error"] = "Unbekannter Fehler aufgetreten!";
     52     $GLOBALS["i18n_note_written_to"] = "Notiz geschrieben in";
     53     $GLOBALS["i18n_development"] = "Quellcode";
     54     $GLOBALS["i18n_note"] = "Notiz";
     55     $GLOBALS["i18n_notes"] = "Notizen";
     56     $GLOBALS["i18n_category"] = "Kategorie";
     57     $GLOBALS["i18n_categories"] = "Kategorien";
     58     $GLOBALS["i18n_filename"] = "Dateiname";
     59     $GLOBALS["i18n_save"] = "Speichern";
     60     $GLOBALS["i18n_edit"] = "Ändern";
     61     $GLOBALS["i18n_delete"] = "Löschen";
     62     $GLOBALS["i18n_new"] = "Neue Notiz";
     63     $GLOBALS["i18n_list"] = "Alle Notizen";
     64     $GLOBALS["i18n_related"] = "Ähnliche Notizen";
     65     $GLOBALS["i18n_login"] = "Login";
     66     $GLOBALS["i18n_logout"] = "Logout";
     67     $GLOBALS["i18n_user"] = "Name der:die Nutzer:in";
     68     $GLOBALS["i18n_pass"] = "Passwort";
     69     $GLOBALS["i18n_noauth"] = "Authentifizierung gescheitert. Bitte nach erneutem Login nochmals versuchen.";
     70     $GLOBALS["i18n_cookie"] = "Eingelogged bleiben (das setzt einen Cookie)";
     71     $GLOBALS["i18n_cookie_session"] = "Nein, nur temporär";
     72     $GLOBALS["i18n_cookie_long"] = "Ja, lass mich für 30 Tage eingelogged";
     73     $GLOBALS["i18n_search"] = "Suchen";
     74     $GLOBALS["i18n_search_placeholder"] = "Notizen durchsuchen...";
     75     $GLOBALS["i18n_matches"] = "Funde";
     76     $GLOBALS["i18n_account"] = "Konto";
     77     $GLOBALS["i18n_bookmarklet"] = "Bookmarklet";
     78     $GLOBALS["i18n_bookmarklet_tp"] = "Dieser Link kann zur Lesezeichensymbollietse gezogen werden. Anderen Webseiten können dann per Klick auf das Symbol in Rememori gespeichert werden.";
     79     $GLOBALS["i18n_bookmarklet_prompt"] = "Unter welcher Kategorie soll diese Seite gespeicher werden?";
     80     $GLOBALS["i18n_tokens"] = "Login-Tokens";
     81     $GLOBALS["i18n_tokens_info"] = "Tokens werden für den Authentifizierungs-Vorgang genutzt. Sie repräsentieren Passwörter, funktionieren jedoch nicht zum Login in Rememori, sondern nur für API-Anfragen. Um einen Token zusammen mit dem damit verbundenen Passwort zu löschen, muss das entsprechende Eingabefeld geleert werden.";
     82     $GLOBALS["i18n_tokens_add"] = "Login-Token hinzufügen";
     83     $GLOBALS["i18n_tokens_add_info"] = "Ein neues Passwort für den Login zu Rememori kann hier erstellt werden. Das Passwort wird im Anschluss als \"Token\" aufgelistet, welche für API-Anfragen genutzt werden können.";
     84     $GLOBALS["i18n_tokens_curr"] = "Gehört zu dem Passwort, mit dem dieser Account aktuell angemeldet ist.";
     85 }
     87 ?>