
pub / rememori

Simple file-based bookmarking and notes application
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Activity: Oct, 2024 - Feb, 2025

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Please send patches or remarks to jayvii+rememori[AT]posteo[DOT]de

A simple file-based, database-free bookmarking and notes application that is light on resources.


Rememori is currently is heavy development and the feature set may change at any time! Here are the currently implemented most important ones.

Rememori has multi-lingual support, all screenshots you see below are in German, however, Rememori switches transparently between languages, depending on your web browser’s configuration. CUrrently supported are:

Rememori uses the superb Simple.CSS class-less styling framework, which supports automatic dark and bright mode. The screenshots below show both modes at the same time.


Bookmarks / Notes are stored file-based in simple .txt files, which are sorted within categories that are created automatically and swiftly on-demand, whenever you create a new note.

The main view shows you all categories and how many notes each one contain. The category buttons are sorted by number of notes in each. From here you can directly jump into your notes!

Main “Categories” view of Rememori

Notes List

Clicking on any of the Categories, lists all notes within this category in a simple list. If the note contains a URL in the first line of its content, the item-title in the list will turn into a link to that URL.

You can also view / change and delete the note from that list. The list is sorted based by time / date of the last change to a note.

The Notes List of Rememori

Creating and Editing Notes

Notes are written in simple, unstructed text (hence the .txt file it is stored in). The “View” / “Edit” as well as the “New Note” mode gives you the ability to change a note’s content, its category and its name.

Leaving the category portion empty, will assign the note into the unknown category. If you leave the file name field empty, Rememori will try to figure out an appropriate file name itself.

If the first line of the note contains a URL, Rememori will try to fetch the webpage’s name and use it as the name of your note (you can see the result of this on the screenshot below):

The edit-mode for a note in Rememori

Rememori also has a simple search integrated. It will simply match the keywords you type into the search field with all notes’ content and title. It then provides you with a list of all notes that had matches, sorted by the number of matches.

The search-mode in Rememori

API Endpoints

Rememori provides simple API endpoints that can be used via POST and GET requests.

The /api/new.php endpoint will create a new note given the user, token and content arguments as well as the optional category argument.

The /api/rss.php endpoint will return an Atom RSS Feed sorted by time/date of all notes or for a specific category (for example a ReadLater category). It requires the user and token arguments as well as the optional category argument.

Using Shortcuts to save Notes to Rememori

Desktop (Webbrowser)

Rememori features a simple bookmarklet in the navigation menu. A user can simply drag this into their web browser’s bookmarks toolbar to send any webpage they are currently to to Rememori with a single click on the bookmark item in their browser’s toolbar.

The bookmarklet contains a simple Javascript function (created in lib/bookmarklet.php) that will prompt the user for a category and send the currently opened page of your web browser to the /api/new.php API endpoint.


On Android, you may use Apps like HTTP Shortcuts (also available on F-Droid) to share text and URLs through Android’s share-intend.

To set up HTTP Shortcuts, open the app and create new variables:

  1. rememori_server: “” (your rememori URL)
  2. rememori_user: “me” (your username)
  3. rememori_token: “my-secret-token” (an extra password you need to create)
  4. text_and_url. Ensure this variable has the options “Allow Share…” and “only text” checked

Then create a new shortcut for each share-option with its own category. Name it appropriately, for example Rememori (category: ReadItLater).

Under “General settings”, set the method GET and insert following URL (adjust the category accordingly. In the example below it is ReadItLater):


Save the shortcut and you are good to go! When sharing text or URLs from any app, you may now choose the newly created shortcut to send it directly to your rememori instance.


  1. How do I add the bookmarklet to my Web-Browser?

Simply go to the “Account” section in Rememori and drag the button labeled “Rememori” under the Bookmarklet section to your browser’s bookmarks toolbar:

Dragging the bookmarklet to the bookmarks toolbar

You can find a higher resolution video here


Coming soon…


Rememori is licensed under AGPL-3.0-or-later.

Other bundled assets are:

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